Single-use, controlled flow, standup, conical, flexible packaging with peg hole for peg board display.

Packaging can hold quantities varying from 70ml (2.36 fl oz) to 250ml (8.45 fl oz) or more.
- Great visual impact of conical packaging on peg board display in retail stores
- Controlled product flow for the end-user and by the end-user
- Easy tear-off opening
- Great shelf presence for small to mid-size single-use packaging
- Environment-friendly, lower waste volume after consumption compared to non-flexible packaging such as single-use bottles
- Easy customization and great versatility of packaging
- Ideal for more liquid (less viscosity) content and single-use requiring larger product quantities in both food and non-food segments, such as soap refill, car oil, house hold product refill and all refills for commercial use such as frying oil, condiments for restaurant use etc.
- Suitable for wide variety of non-food products such as travel-sized toiletries (shampoo, toothpaste, mouth wash, body wash, face cream, etc.), as well as food products such as baby food, peanut butter, honey, salad dressing, mayonnaise, maple syrup, energy drinks, liquor-based beverages, etc.